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contoh kalimat bed of roses

"bed of roses" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "bed of roses" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Why would anyone intentionally lay the body in a bed of roses?
    Tetapi pelaku memakai sepato boot!
  • "Let none covet bed of roses," or bed of thorns
    Janganlah mengingikan tempat tidur mawar atau tempat tidur berduri
  • I think I'll have that captain on a bed of roses.
    Saya kira saya akan memiliki kapten di ranjang mawar.
  • The culprit loved Takahara Kyoko. So he laid her body down in a bed of roses.
    Tapi anda sedang makan.
  • Well, if our bed of roses is now just full of thorns
    Nah, jika tempat tidur kami mawar Apakah sekarang hanya dipenuhi duri,
  • HD PureMature - Massage on bed of roses for Kiera ...
    Resolusi tinggi puremature - pijat di tempat tidur...
  • Tonight I feel like a thorn amongst a bed of roses. - Your table's ready.
    Malam ini aku merasa seperti duri di antara kenikmatan
  • HD PureMature - Massage on bed of roses for Kiera King
    Hd passion-hd - ?utno hotel seks s seksi connie carter
  • I say, marriage with Max is not exactly a bed of roses, is it?
    Sudah kubilang, pernikahan dengan Max tak seperti ranjang penuh mawar, bukan?
  • "Saheb" picked me up from a bed of thorns. And placed me on a bed of roses.
    Saheb mengangkatku dari kasur berduri... dan meletakkanku di kasur berbunga.
  • Bed Of Roses Theme with Tone for 6.0 OS - Beautiful pink bouquet. Themes allow for the customization of your mobile device. Themes allow for the customization of your mobile device. This theme includes a wallpaper, background,...
    Bed Of Roses Theme with Tone for 6.0 OS - Merah muda yang indah buket. Tema memungkinkan untuk kustomisasi perangkat mobile Anda. Tema memungkinkan untuk kustomisasi perangkat mobile Anda. Tema ini termasuk wallpaper, latar...